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The India Academia Rankings is a comprehensive ranking framework to gauge the Research Excellence (RE) and Employability and Startup Ecosystem Rankings (ESER) of HEIs. Research Excellence Rankings (RER) is a conceptual framework to present industry-benchmarks and help establish institutional - reputational yardsticks, with inclusive parameters of research-outputs, research-impact and research-ecosystem. HEIs, not offering PG programs aren't eligible for RER. Employability and Startup Ecosystem Rankings (ESER) exclusively focuses on Students' Achievement(s) in terms of their Placements, Entrepreneurship, Startups and other revenue-generation success models, supported by the initiatives of the respective HEI.


Institutional Registration is now open!


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A blend of three unique Rating and Assessments, clubbed for a single - one time institutional registration. The IAR' 24 examines the Research Excellence (RE) and Employability and Startup Ecosystem Rankings (ESER) of HEIs. Institutions will get benefitted with three separate and unique Ratings/Rankings/Bands, and three different certificates will be awarded to the HEIs. x


Research Excellence Rankings (RER) is a conceptual framework to present industry-benchmarks and help establish institutional - reputational yardsticks, with inclusive parameters of research-outputs, research-impact and research-ecosystem. HEIs, not offering PG programs aren't eligible for RER.


Employability and Startup Ecosystem Rankings (ESER) exclusively focuses on Students' Achievement(s) in terms of their Placements, Entrepreneurship, Startups and other revenue-generation success models, supported by the initiatives of the respective HEI. .


Academia Rankings = Research Excellence Rankings + Employability Ecosystem Rankings.



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2024 | 2023

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