Global Impact Rankings
To be Published on 05.01.2022
G.I.R has been curated to encourage as many higher educational institutions as possible to participate, for the data required is very limited. G.I.R is open to any HEI that is duly recognized. There is no participation fee, for Global Impact Rankings 2021.
05 JANUARY'2022

Approach and Methodology
The methodology is built up from individual SDGs. Participation in the overall G.I.R requires institutions to submit data for at least 4 SDGs, one of which must be SDG 4 - Quality Education.
The overall score is generated from the score for SDG 4, contributing to 40% weightage, and the other 60%, is each from three top-scored SDGs for which the data is submitted (20% x 3SDGs).
An institute has to participate in a minimum of 3 SDGs other than 1 mandatory SDGs. An institute that submits data in fewer than 4 (1+ 3) SDGs cannot be accounted for the overall ranking. If an institute submits data for more than 3 SDGs, the performance will be evaluated in all SDGs & then the three best will be chosen. .